Finice 2025 kilpailu järjestetään 1.3.2025. Finice2025 kilpailussa voit kilpailla avoimissa aikuisten ja nuorten sarjoissa Suomen mestaruuksista. Nuorten sarjat ovat U 16, U 18 ja U 20 sarjat.
Tänä vuonna odotamme ennätysmäärää suomalaisia jääkiipeilijöitä mukaan. Kilpailuissa jääkiipeilijät kiipeilevät pääosin vaneriseinällä ja muoviotteilla hakut käsissä ja fruittari-kengät jaloissa, joiden terävät kärkipiikit potkitaan vaneriseinään.
Tiiviissä yhden päivän kilpailussa pääset näkemään hurjia suorituksia ja herkkiä hetkiä. Päivä alkaa karsinnoilla ja iltapäivän ja illan kuluessa Suomen kärkinimet ovat jäljellä näyttämässä taitonsa ja voimansa. Yleisö pääsee jännittämään, kuinka moni kiipeilee ylös asti ja kuinka näyttäviä tippumisia ja lentäviä hakkuja näissä kisoissa nähdään.
Tapahtuma on yleisölle pääsymaksuton!.
Kilpailijoille ja vapaaehtoisille illalla saunomista Oulun Kiipeilykeskuksen tiloissa. Iltatapahtumaan myydään myös pääsylippuja.
Tarkempi ohjelma ja aikataulu julkaistaan myöhemmin, kun saadaan se valmiiksi!
Etsimme yhteistyökumppaneita, jotka voivat tukea kisojamme.
Otathan yhteyttä jos haluat olla mukana mahdollistamassa kisojen toteutuksessa: [email protected]
Talkoolaiseksi voit ilmoittautua täältä: [email protected]
Kioski palvelee kisapäivänä nälkäistä yleisöä ja nälkäisiä kiipeilijöitä.
The Finice 2025 competition will be held on March 1, 2025. In the Finice2025 competition, you can compete in the open adult and youth categories of the Finnish championships. Youth series are U16, U 18 and U 20.
This year, we expect a record number of Finnish ice climbers to participate. In the competitions, ice climbers mainly climb on plywood walls and plastic grips, with axes in their hands and special shoes on their feet, the sharp spikes of which are kicked into the plywood wall.
In the intense one-day competition, you will see wild performances and sensitive moments. The day starts with the qualifications and during the afternoon and evening, Finland's top names are left to show their skills and strength. The audience will get excited to see how many people climb to the top and how many spectacular falls and flying axes will be seen in these competitions.
The event is free for the public!
In the evening, competitors and volunteers can take a sauna at the Oulu Climbing Centre.
A more detailed program and schedule will be published later, when it is ready!
We are looking for partners who can support our competitions.
Please contact us if you want to be involved in making the competitions possible: [email protected]
You can register as a volunteer here: [email protected]
On the day of the competition, a kiosk will be available to hungry spectators and hungry climbers.
Videos from FINICE 2022 competition
The competition entry fee is €50. The ticket includes access to the evening party. Registration must be done through your climbing club by February 21 at the latest. A climbing federation competition license (skil) is required to participate.
What on earth is Oulu?
The City of Oulu is the capital of northern Finland. The Oulu Region has about 250,000 inhabitants. Transport connections are direct and fast, regardless of the means of transport or direction. All main roads meet in Oulu. Oulu has an international airport and there are about 15 flights to and from Helsinki each day. In addition, you can fly direct from Oulu to Riga, Tampere, Rovaniemi and Kemi-Tornio. Oulu railway station is one of the busiest in Finland. VisitOulu website provides more information about Oulu and its services, and how to get here. See also Oulu what to see and do
What kind of services there are at the competition site?
Kiosk selling hot and cold drinks and snacks
Will there be transportation between competition site and accommodation/city centre?
This year, there will not be bus transportation between Oulu city centre and the competition site.
I'd like to climb in Oulu! What are the possibilities?
Oulu Climbing Gym (Oulun kiipeilykeskus) offers two boulder gyms and wide variety of rope action. You can also go boulderin indoors at: Kaamos Climbing Gym. Korouoma Canyon (approximately 300 km from Oulu) is the best place in Finland to climb ice and is definitely worth a visit.
In partnership with
Finice sustainability – short version
We proudly present our sustainability plan for the competition organization. It gives us tools to:
- Evaluate each decision we make from sustainability point of view
- Review our old practices – the way we have always done things
- Invent new practices where they are needed
- Develop Finice competition to even better each year
- Educate organisers – we all learn while making the plan and doing the planned actions
Social sustainability emphasis the values climbing as a sport and a lifestyle will teach us: co-operation, responsibility of each other and connection to nature. Also, the meaning of Finice-competition to local climbers and Finnish climbing community is written down. We support equal opportunity and created our code of conduct to follow.
Creating the cultural sustainability plan set us a target to provide the competitors feel welcome and familiarize with the Finnish and local culture. While they travel to Oulu for the competition, the trip is more memorable and fruitful to all senses if there is more than just sports.
Finally, economical sustainability plan is a tool that helps us understand the economical meaning of the competition. In any case organizing competitions has impact on local economy because competitors use money while they stay in Oulu and Finland. Also, the competition budget is notable, and we can choose where and with who we do our purchases.
Read our sustainability plan from here!
For Media
Pictures from FINICE2024:
UIAA Ice Climbing Continental Open - Oulu FinlandUIAA Ice Climbing Continental Youth Open - Oulu, Finland